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Grace Church of Santa Rosa Newsletter

August 2016


~ Sunday, August 7th:  Potluck lunch after the service.  Bring a dish to share and stay after the 10:30 a.m. service for lunch and fellowship time!


~ Saturday, August 13th: Saturday Night Sisters at 8 p.m. at the Fletcher’s house. Ladies, please join us as we fellowship and read God’s Word together!






~ There will be no third Sunday evening meetings for June, July, and August.


~ Yearly Bible reading plan: The elders encourage the body to read the Scriptures.  A unique way we can do this together is to follow a year-long Bible reading plan.  If you would like to be a part of this, there are copies of the reading plan on the welcome table in the front corner of the multi-purpose room.  Contact Carl Fletcher or Mike Akin if you have questions. 


~ Do you have produce, clothes, or other items you would like to share with the body?  Please set out food items on a folding table by the kitchen.  Non-food items can be set out on a folding table by the nursery at our monthly evening meeting.  Books and media will need to be approved by the elders in advance.  Please be responsible for cleaning up anything you bring.





Happy Birthday!

Kylie McCarthy ~ August 1st

James Olah ~ August 28th

Laura Wilson ~ August 30th

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